We’ve had clear skies over the last week resulting in some interesting images of the lake. This set, taken between August 14th and 19th (from left to right), nicely exemplifies how dynamic the lake is and how important the weather can be in the formation of algal blooms. In the August 14th image (far left), the south basin and narrows blooms are highly visible. (Also note the very cooperative clouds.) On August 16th (2nd from left), there was a wind advisory for the lake – in that image, the lake appears well mixed, highly turbid and the surface blooms are no longer visible. By August 18th & 19th, the blooms appear to be taking hold again, extending well into the north basin along the eastern shore. The forecast for the coming week is calling for 30 C and clear skies — should make for some good images, not to mention surface blooms.
Click on an image to scroll through the set.